
class biotite.sequence.align.KmerTable[source]#

Bases: object

This class represents a k-mer index table. It maps k-mers (subsequences with length k) to the sequence positions, where the k-mer appears. It is primarily used to find k-mer matches between two sequences. A match is defined as a k-mer that appears in both sequences. Instances of this class are immutable.

There are multiple ways to create a KmerTable:

The standard constructor merely returns an empty table and is reserved for internal use.

Each indexed k-mer position is represented by a tuple of

  1. a unique reference ID that identifies to which sequence a position refers to and

  2. the zero-based sequence position of the first symbol in the k-mer.

The match() method iterates through all overlapping k-mers in another sequence and, for each k-mer, looks up the reference IDs and positions of this k-mer in the table. For each matching position, it adds the k-mer position in this sequence, the matching reference ID and the matching sequence position to the array of matches. Finally these matches are returned to the user. Optionally, a SimilarityRule can be supplied, to find also matches for similar k-mers. This is especially useful for protein sequences to match two k-mers with a high substitution probability.

The positions for a given k-mer code can be obtained via indexing. Iteration over a KmerTable yields the k-mers that have at least one associated position. The k-mer code for a k-mer can be calculated with table.kmer_alphabet.encode() (see KmerAlphabet).

See also



The design of the KmerTable is inspired by the MMseqs2 software [1].

Memory consumption

For efficient mapping, a KmerTable contains a pointer array, that contains one 64-bit pointer for each possible k-mer. If there is at least one position for a k-mer, the corresponding pointer points to a C-array that contains

  1. The length of the C-array (int64)

  2. The reference ID for each position of this k-mer (uint32)

  3. The sequence position for each position of this k-mer (uint32)

Hence, the memory requirements can be quite large for long k-mers or large alphabets. The required memory space \(S\) in byte is within the bounds of

\[8 n^k + 8L \leq S \leq 16 n^k + 8L,\]

where \(n\) is the number of symbols in the alphabet and \(L\) is the summed length of all sequences added to the table.


KmerTable objects can be used in multi-processed setups: Adding a large database of sequences to a table can be sped up by splitting the database into smaller chunks and create a separate table for each chunk in separate processes. Eventually, the tables can be merged to one large table using from_tables().

Since KmerTable supports the pickle protocol, the matching step can also be divided into multiple processes, if multiple sequences need to be matched.

Storage on hard drive

The most time efficient way to read/write a KmerTable is the pickle format. If a custom format is desired, the user needs to extract the reference IDs and position for each k-mer. To restrict this task to all k-mer that have at least one match get_kmers() can be used. Conversely, the reference IDs and positions can be restored via from_positions().



Create a 2-mer index table for some nucleotide sequences:

>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     k = 2,
...     sequences = [NucleotideSequence("TTATA"), NucleotideSequence("CTAG")],
...     ref_ids = [0, 1]
... )

Display the contents of the table as (reference ID, sequence position) tuples:

>>> print(table)
AG: (1, 2)
AT: (0, 2)
CT: (1, 0)
TA: (0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 1)
TT: (0, 0)

Find matches of the table with a sequence:

>>> query = NucleotideSequence("TAG")
>>> matches = table.match(query)
>>> for query_pos, table_ref_id, table_pos in matches:
...     print("Query sequence position:", query_pos)
...     print("Table reference ID:  ", table_ref_id)
...     print("Table sequence position:", table_pos)
...     print()
Query sequence position: 0
Table reference ID: 0
Table sequence position: 1

Query sequence position: 0
Table reference ID: 0
Table sequence position: 3

Query sequence position: 0
Table reference ID: 1
Table sequence position: 1

Query sequence position: 1
Table reference ID: 1
Table sequence position: 2

Get all reference IDs and positions for a given k-mer:

>>> kmer_code = table.kmer_alphabet.encode("TA")
>>> print(table[kmer_code])
[[0 1]
 [0 3]
 [1 1]]

The internal KmerAlphabet, that is used to encode all overlapping k-mers of an input sequence.


The base alphabet, from which this KmerTable was created.


The length of the k-mers.


Count the number of occurences for each k-mer in the table.

kmersndarray, dtype=np.int64, optional

The count is returned for these k-mer codes. By default all k-mers are counted in ascending order, i.e. count_for_kmer = counts[kmer].

countsndarray, dtype=np.int64, optional

The counts for each given k-mer.


>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     k = 2,
...     sequences = [NucleotideSequence("TTATA"), NucleotideSequence("CTAG")],
...     ref_ids = [0, 1]
... )
>>> print(table)
AG: (1, 2)
AT: (0, 2)
CT: (1, 0)
TA: (0, 1), (0, 3), (1, 1)
TT: (0, 0)

Count two selected k-mers:

>>> print(table.count(table.kmer_alphabet.encode_multiple(["TA", "AG"])))
[3 1]

Count all k-mers:

>>> counts = table.count()
>>> print(counts)
[0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 1]
>>> for kmer, count in zip(table.kmer_alphabet.get_symbols(), counts):
...     print(kmer, count)
AA 0
AC 0
AG 1
AT 1
CA 0
CC 0
CG 0
CT 1
GA 0
GC 0
GG 0
GT 0
TA 3
TC 0
TG 0
TT 1
static from_kmer_selection(kmer_alphabet, positions, kmers, ref_ids=None)#

Create a KmerTable by storing the positions of a filtered subset of input k-mers.

This can be used to reduce the number of stored k-mers using a k-mer subset selector such as MinimizerSelector.


The KmerAlphabet to use for the new table. Should be the same alphabet that was used to calculate the input kmers.

positionssized iterable object of (ndarray, shape=(n,), dtype=uint32), length=m

List where each array contains the sequence positions of the filtered subset of k-mers given in kmers. The list may contain multiple elements for multiple sequences.

kmerssized iterable object of (ndarray, shape=(n,), dtype=np.int64), length=m

List where each array contains the filtered subset of k-mer codes from a sequence. For each array the index of the k-mer code in the array, is stored in the table as sequence position. The list may contain multiple elements for multiple sequences.

ref_idssized iterable object of int, length=m, optional

The reference IDs for the sequences. These are used to identify the corresponding sequence for a k-mer match. By default the IDs are counted from 0 to m.


The newly created table.


Reduce the size of sequence data in the table using minimizers:

>>> sequence1 = ProteinSequence("THIS*IS*A*SEQVENCE")
>>> kmer_alph = KmerAlphabet(sequence1.alphabet, k=3)
>>> minimizer = MinimizerSelector(kmer_alph, window=4)
>>> minimizer_pos, minimizers =
>>> kmer_table = KmerTable.from_kmer_selection(
...     kmer_alph, [minimizer_pos], [minimizers]
... )

Use the same MinimizerSelector to select the minimizers from the query sequence and match them against the table. Although the amount of k-mers is reduced, matching is still guanrateed to work, if the two sequences share identity in the given window:

>>> sequence2 = ProteinSequence("ANQTHER*SEQVENCE")
>>> minimizer_pos, minimizers =
>>> matches = kmer_table.match_kmer_selection(minimizer_pos, minimizers)
>>> print(matches)
[[ 9  0 11]
 [12  0 14]]
>>> for query_pos, _, db_pos in matches:
...     print(sequence1)
...     print(" " * (db_pos-1) + "^" * kmer_table.k)
...     print(sequence2)
...     print(" " * (query_pos-1) + "^" * kmer_table.k)
...     print()

static from_kmers(kmer_alphabet, kmers, ref_ids=None, masks=None)#

Create a KmerTable by storing the positions of all input k-mers.


The KmerAlphabet to use for the new table. Should be the same alphabet that was used to calculate the input kmers.

kmerssized iterable object of (ndarray, dtype=np.int64), length=m

List where each array contains the k-mer codes from a sequence. For each array the index of the k-mer code in the array is stored in the table as sequence position.

ref_idssized iterable object of int, length=m, optional

The reference IDs for the sequences. These are used to identify the corresponding sequence for a k-mer match. By default the IDs are counted from 0 to m.

maskssized iterable object of (ndarray, dtype=bool), length=m, optional

A k-mer code at a position, where the corresponding mask is false, is not added to the table. By default, all positions are added.


The newly created table.

See also


The same functionality based on undecomposed sequences


>>> sequences = [ProteinSequence("BIQTITE"), ProteinSequence("NIQBITE")]
>>> kmer_alphabet = KmerAlphabet(ProteinSequence.alphabet, 3)
>>> kmer_codes = [kmer_alphabet.create_kmers(s.code) for s in sequences]
>>> for code in kmer_codes:
...     print(code)
[11701  4360  7879  9400  4419]
[ 6517  4364  7975 11704  4419]
>>> table = KmerTable.from_kmers(
...     kmer_alphabet, kmer_codes
... )
>>> print(table)
IQT: (0, 1)
IQB: (1, 1)
ITE: (0, 4), (1, 4)
NIQ: (1, 0)
QTI: (0, 2)
QBI: (1, 2)
TIT: (0, 3)
BIQ: (0, 0)
BIT: (1, 3)
static from_positions(kmer_alphabet, kmer_positions)#

Create a KmerTable from k-mer reference IDs and positions. This constructor is especially useful for restoring a table from previously serialized data.


The KmerAlphabet to use for the new table

kmer_positionsdict of (int -> ndarray, shape=(n,2), dtype=int)

A dictionary representing the k-mer reference IDs and positions to be stored in the newly created table. It maps a k-mer code to a ndarray. To achieve a high performance the data type uint32 is preferred for the arrays.


The newly created table.


>>> sequence = ProteinSequence("BIQTITE")
>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(3, [sequence], ref_ids=[100])
>>> print(table)
IQT: (100, 1)
ITE: (100, 4)
QTI: (100, 2)
TIT: (100, 3)
BIQ: (100, 0)
>>> data = {kmer: table[kmer] for kmer in table}
>>> print(data)
{4360: array([[100,   1]], dtype=uint32), 4419: array([[100,   4]], dtype=uint32), 7879: array([[100,   2]], dtype=uint32), 9400: array([[100,   3]], dtype=uint32), 11701: array([[100,   0]], dtype=uint32)}
>>> restored_table = KmerTable.from_positions(table.kmer_alphabet, data)
>>> print(restored_table)
IQT: (100, 1)
ITE: (100, 4)
QTI: (100, 2)
TIT: (100, 3)
BIQ: (100, 0)
static from_sequences(k, sequences, ref_ids=None, ignore_masks=None, alphabet=None, spacing=None)#

Create a KmerTable by storing the positions of all overlapping k-mers from the input sequences.


The length of the k-mers.

sequencessized iterable object of Sequence, length=m

The sequences to get the k-mer positions from. These sequences must have equal alphabets, or one of these sequences must have an alphabet that extends the alphabets of all other sequences.

ref_idssized iterable object of int, length=m, optional

The reference IDs for the given sequences. These are used to identify the corresponding sequence for a k-mer match. By default the IDs are counted from 0 to m.

ignore_maskssized iterable object of (ndarray, dtype=bool), length=m, optional

Sequence positions to ignore. k-mers that involve these sequence positions are not added to the table. This is used e.g. to skip repeat regions. If provided, the list must contain one boolean mask (or None) for each sequence, and each bolean mask must have the same length as the sequence. By default, no sequence position is ignored.

alphabetAlphabet, optional

The alphabet to use for this table. It must extend the alphabets of the input sequences. By default, an appropriate alphabet is inferred from the input sequences. This option is usually used for compatibility with another sequence/table in the matching step.

spacingNone or str or list or ndarray, dtype=int, shape=(k,)

If provided, spaced k-mers are used instead of continuous ones. The value contains the informative positions relative to the start of the k-mer, also called the model. The number of informative positions must equal k. Refer to KmerAlphabet for more details.


The newly created table.

See also


The same functionality based on already created k-mers


>>> sequences = [NucleotideSequence("TTATA"), NucleotideSequence("CTAG")]
>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     2, sequences, ref_ids=[100, 101]
... )
>>> print(table)
AG: (101, 2)
AT: (100, 2)
CT: (101, 0)
TA: (100, 1), (100, 3), (101, 1)
TT: (100, 0)

Give an explicit compatible alphabet:

>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     2, sequences, ref_ids=[100, 101],
...     alphabet=NucleotideSequence.ambiguous_alphabet()
... )

Ignore all N in a sequence:

>>> sequence = NucleotideSequence("ACCNTANNG")
>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     2, [sequence], ignore_masks=[sequence.symbols == "N"]
... )
>>> print(table)
AC: (0, 0)
CC: (0, 1)
TA: (0, 4)
static from_tables(tables)#

Create a KmerTable by merging the k-mer positions from existing tables.

tablesiterable object of KmerTable

The tables to be merged. All tables must have equal KmerAlphabet objects, i.e. the same k and equal base alphabets.


The newly created table.


>>> table1 = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     2, [NucleotideSequence("TTATA")], ref_ids=[100]
... )
>>> table2 = KmerTable.from_sequences(
...     2, [NucleotideSequence("CTAG")], ref_ids=[101]
... )
>>> merged_table = KmerTable.from_tables([table1, table2])
>>> print(merged_table)
AG: (101, 2)
AT: (100, 2)
CT: (101, 0)
TA: (100, 1), (100, 3), (101, 1)
TT: (100, 0)

Get the k-mer codes for all k-mers that have at least one position in the table.

kmersndarray, shape=(n,), dtype=np.int64

The k-mer codes.


>>> sequence = ProteinSequence("BIQTITE")
>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(3, [sequence], ref_ids=[100])
>>> print(table)
IQT: (100, 1)
ITE: (100, 4)
QTI: (100, 2)
TIT: (100, 3)
BIQ: (100, 0)
>>> kmer_codes = table.get_kmers()
>>> print(kmer_codes)
[ 4360  4419  7879  9400 11701]
>>> for code in kmer_codes:
...     print(table[code])
[[100   1]]
[[100   4]]
[[100   2]]
[[100   3]]
[[100   0]]
match(sequence, similarity_rule=None, ignore_mask=None)#

Find matches between the k-mers in this table with all overlapping k-mers in the given sequence. k is determined by the table.


The sequence to be matched. The table’s base alphabet must extend the alphabet of the sequence.

similarity_ruleSimilarityRule, optional

If this parameter is given, not only exact k-mer matches are considered, but also similar ones according to the given SimilarityRule.

ignore_maskndarray, dtype=bool, optional

Boolean mask of sequence positions to ignore. k-mers that involve these sequence positions are not added to the table. This is used e.g. to skip repeat regions. By default, no sequence position is ignored.

matchesndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=np.uint32

The k-mer matches. Each row contains one match. Each match has the following columns:

  1. The sequence position in the input sequence

  2. The reference ID of the matched sequence in the table

  3. The sequence position of the matched sequence in the table


The matches are ordered by the first column.


>>> sequence1 = ProteinSequence("BIQTITE")
>>> table = KmerTable.from_sequences(3, [sequence1], ref_ids=[100])
>>> print(table)
IQT: (100, 1)
ITE: (100, 4)
QTI: (100, 2)
TIT: (100, 3)
BIQ: (100, 0)
>>> sequence2 = ProteinSequence("TITANITE")
>>> print(table.match(sequence2))
[[  0 100   3]
 [  5 100   4]]
match_kmer_selection(positions, kmers)#

Find matches between the k-mers in this table with the given k-mer selection.

It is intended to use this method to find matches in a table that was created using from_kmer_selection().

positionsndarray, shape=(n,), dtype=uint32

Sequence positions of the filtered subset of k-mers given in kmers.

kmersndarray, shape=(n,), dtype=np.int64

Filtered subset of k-mer codes to match against.

matchesndarray, shape=(n,3), dtype=np.uint32

The k-mer matches. Each row contains one k-mer match. Each match has the following columns:

  1. The sequence position of the input k-mer, taken from positions

  2. The reference ID of the matched sequence in the table

  3. The sequence position of the matched k-mer in the table


Reduce the size of sequence data in the table using minimizers:

>>> sequence1 = ProteinSequence("THIS*IS*A*SEQVENCE")
>>> kmer_alph = KmerAlphabet(sequence1.alphabet, k=3)
>>> minimizer = MinimizerSelector(kmer_alph, window=4)
>>> minimizer_pos, minimizers =
>>> kmer_table = KmerTable.from_kmer_selection(
...     kmer_alph, [minimizer_pos], [minimizers]
... )

Use the same MinimizerSelector to select the minimizers from the query sequence and match them against the table. Although the amount of k-mers is reduced, matching is still guanrateed to work, if the two sequences share identity in the given window:

>>> sequence2 = ProteinSequence("ANQTHER*SEQVENCE")
>>> minimizer_pos, minimizers =
>>> matches = kmer_table.match_kmer_selection(minimizer_pos, minimizers)
>>> print(matches)
[[ 9  0 11]
 [12  0 14]]
>>> for query_pos, _, db_pos in matches:
...     print(sequence1)
...     print(" " * (db_pos-1) + "^" * kmer_table.k)
...     print(sequence2)
...     print(" " * (query_pos-1) + "^" * kmer_table.k)
...     print()

match_table(table, similarity_rule=None)#

Find matches between the k-mers in this table with the k-mers in another table.

This means that for each k-mer the cartesian product between the positions in both tables is added to the matches.


The table to be matched. Both tables must have equal KmerAlphabet objects, i.e. the same k and equal base alphabets.

similarity_ruleSimilarityRule, optional

If this parameter is given, not only exact k-mer matches are considered, but also similar ones according to the given SimilarityRule.

matchesndarray, shape=(n,4), dtype=np.uint32

The k-mer matches. Each row contains one match. Each match has the following columns:

  1. The reference ID of the matched sequence in the other table

  2. The sequence position of the matched sequence in the other table

  3. The reference ID of the matched sequence in this table

  4. The sequence position of the matched sequence in this table


There is no guaranteed order of the reference IDs or sequence positions in the returned matches.


>>> sequence1 = ProteinSequence("BIQTITE")
>>> table1 = KmerTable.from_sequences(3, [sequence1], ref_ids=[100])
>>> print(table1)
IQT: (100, 1)
ITE: (100, 4)
QTI: (100, 2)
TIT: (100, 3)
BIQ: (100, 0)
>>> sequence2 = ProteinSequence("TITANITE")
>>> table2 = KmerTable.from_sequences(3, [sequence2], ref_ids=[101])
>>> print(table2)
ANI: (101, 3)
ITA: (101, 1)
ITE: (101, 5)
NIT: (101, 4)
TAN: (101, 2)
TIT: (101, 0)
>>> print(table1.match_table(table2))
[[101   5 100   4]
 [101   0 100   3]]