This subpackage is used for reading/writing information (especially sequence features) from/to files in the GenBank and GenPept format.
This class represents a file in GenBank format (including GenPept). |
This class represents a file in GenBank or GenPept format, that contains multiple entries, for more than one UID. |
Parse the ACCESSION field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Get an annotated sequence by combining the ANNOTATION and ORIGIN fields of a GenBank file. |
Get the sequence annotation from the FEATURES field of a GenBank file. |
Parse the DBLINK field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Parse the DEFINITION field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Parse the GI from the VERSION field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Parse the LOCUS field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Get the raw sequence string from the ORIGIN field of a GenBank file. |
Get the sequence from the ORIGIN field of a GenBank file. |
Parse the SOURCE field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Parse the version from the VERSION field of a GenBank or GenPept file. |
Set the FEATURES and ORIGIN fields of a GenBank file with the annotation and sequence of an annotated sequence. |
Set the FEATURES field of a GenBank file with an annotation. |
Set the LOCUS field of a GenBank file. |
Set the ORIGIN field of a GenBank file with a sequence. |