
class biotite.database.entrez.CompositeQuery(operator, query1, query2)[source]#

Bases: Query

A representation of an composite query for the NCBI Entrez search service.

A composite query is a combination of two other queries, combined either with an ‘AND’, ‘OR’ or ‘NOT’ operator.

Usually the user does not create instances of this class directly, but Query instances are combined with | (OR), & (AND) or ^ (NOT).

operator: str, {“AND”, “OR”, “NOT”}

The combination operator.

queriesiterable object of SimpleQuery

The queries to be combined.


>>> query = SimpleQuery("Escherichia coli", "Organism") & \
... SimpleQuery("90:100", "Sequence Length")
>>> print(type(query).__name__)
>>> print(query)
("Escherichia coli"[Organism]) AND (90:100[Sequence Length])