- class biotite.AdaptiveFancyArrow(x, y, dx, dy, tail_width, head_width, head_ratio, draw_head=True, shape='full', **kwargs)[source]#
A FancyArrow with fixed head shape.
The length of the head is proportional to the width of the head in display coordinates. If the head length is longer than the length of the entire arrow, the head length is limited to the arrow length.
- Parameters:
- x,yfloat
The arrow’s start position.
- dx, dyfloat
The arrow’s direction vector, inclduing the arrow head.
- tail_width, head_widthfloat
The width of the arrow’s tail and head in its reference coordinate system
- head_ratiofloat, optional
The length of the arrow head as faction of the arrow width (display coordinates).
- draw_head: bool, optional
If false, the arrow has no head. The result is a rectangle.
- shapestr, optional
The shape parameter in the constructor of FancyArrow.
- **kwargs
Other parameters that are used in the constructor of FancyArrow.
- draw(renderer)#
Draw the Artist (and its children) using the given renderer.
This has no effect if the artist is not visible (.Artist.get_visible returns False).
- Parameters:
- renderer~matplotlib.backend_bases.RendererBase subclass.
This method is overridden in the Artist subclasses.
- get_in_layout()#
- set_in_layout(in_layout)#

Three ways to get the secondary structure of a protein