- class biotite.sequence.graphics.TerminatorPlotter(bar_width=5)[source]#
A plotter for regulatory features with the terminator class.
Draws a vertical bar.
- Parameters:
- bar_widthfloat, optional
The width of the line representing the bar.
- draw(axes, feature, bbox, loc, style_param)#
Draw a feature onto an axes.
- Parameters:
- axesAxes
A Matplotlib axes, that is used as plotting area.
- featureFeature
The feature to be drawn.
- bboxBbox
The bounding box, that describes the area on the axes, where the feature should be drawn.
- locationint
The location of the feature, that should be drawn. Might be useful, when the visualization is dependent on e.g. location defects.
- style_paramdict
Additional style parameters.
- matches(feature)#
Check, whether this object is able to draw a given sequence feature.
- Parameters:
- featureFeature
The sequence feature to be checked.
- Returns:
- compatibilitybool
True, if this object is able to draw the given feature, false otherwise.