Contributor guide#
As the aim of Biotite is to create a comprehensive library, we welcome developers who would like to extend the package with new functionalities or improve existing code. Contributing new examples to the gallery or improving the documentation in general is also highly appreciated.
The complete development workflow is hosted on GitHub. This is also the place where you would post feature propositions, questions, bug reports, etc.
If you are interested in improving Biotite, you feel free join our chat on Discord. We are happy to answer questions, discuss ideas and provide mentoring for newcomers. Alternatively, you can also contact A good place to find projects to start with are the Open Issues and the Project Boards.
The following pages should explain development guidelines in order to keep Biotite’s source code consistent. Finally, the Deployment of a new release describes the process of releasing a new version of Biotite.
Development of Biotite requires a few packages in addition to the ones specified in pyproject.toml. The full list is provided in environment.yml. If you use the Conda package manager, you can simply create a environment with all required dependencies by running
$ conda env create -f environment.yml
$ conda activate biotite-dev
Contributing examples#
Do you have an application of Biotite and you want to share it with the world? Then the example gallery is the way to go. Head directly to the gallery section to learn how to contribute.