
class biotite.database.pubchem.SuperstructureQuery(**kwargs)[source]#

Bases: SuperOrSubstructureQuery

A query that searches for all structures, where the given input structure is a superstructure. In other words, this query matches substructures of the input structure.

Exactly one of the input structure parameters smiles, smarts, inchi, sdf or cid must be given.

smilesstr, optional

The query SMILES string.

smartsstr, optional

The query SMARTS pattern.

inchistr, optional

The query InChI string.

sdfstr, optional

A query structure as SDF formatted string. Usually from_atoms() is used to create the SDF from an AtomArray.

cidint, optional

The query structure given as CID.

numberint, optional

The maximum number of matches that this query may return. By default, the PubChem default value is used, which can be considered unlimited.

match_chargesbool, optional

If set to true, atoms must match the specified charge. (Default: False)

match_tautomersbool, optional

If set to true, allow match to tautomers of the given structure. (Default: False)

rings_not_embeddedbool, optional

If set to true, rings may not be embedded in a larger system. (Default: False)

single_double_bonds_matchbool, optional

If set to true, single or double bonds match aromatic bonds. (Default: True)

chains_match_ringsbool, optional

If set to true, chain bonds in the query may match rings in hits. (Default: True)

strip_hydrogenbool, optional

If set to true, remove any explicit hydrogens before searching. (Default: False)

stereo{‘ignore’, ‘exact’, ‘relative’, ‘nonconflicting’}, optional

How to handle stereo. (Default: ‘ignore’)


Optional parameter descriptions are taken from the PubChem REST API documentation.


>>> # CID of alanine
>>> print(search(SuperstructureQuery(cid=5950, number=5)))
[..., ..., ..., ..., ...]
>>> # AtomArray of alanine
>>> atom_array = residue("ALA")
>>> print(search(SuperstructureQuery.from_atoms(atom_array, number=5)))
[..., ..., ..., ..., ...]
classmethod from_atoms(atoms, *args, **kwargs)#

Create a query using the given query structure.

atomsAtomArray or AtomArrayStack

The query structure.

**kwargsdict, optional

See the constructor for additional options.


Get the POST file payload for this query.

paramsdict (str -> object)

The file payload.


Get the input part of the request URL.


The input part of the request URL. Must not contain slash characters at the beginning and end of the string.


Get the POST payload for this query.

paramsdict (str -> object)

The payload.


Get additional options for the POST options.

PROTECTED: Override when inheriting.

optionsdict (str -> object)

They keys are automatically converted from snake case to camel case required by the request parameters.


Get the type of performed search for the request input part.

PROTECTED: Override when inheriting.


The search type for the input part, i.e. the part directly after compound/.