Sequence examples#
Homology and alignment#
Pairwise sequence alignment of protein sequences
Customized visualization of a multiple sequence alignment
Finding homologous regions in two genomes
Finding homologs of a gene in a genome
Phylogenetic tree of a protein family
Hydropathy and conservation of ion channels
Dendrogram of a protein family
Homology search and multiple sequence alignment
Fetching and aligning a protein from different species
Display sequence similarity in a heat map
Plot epitope mapping data onto protein sequence alignments
Mutual information as measure for coevolution of residues
Sequence read quality control and mapping#
Quantifying gene expression from RNA-seq data
Quality control of sequencing data
Sequence profiles#
Sequence logo of sequences with equal length
Identification of a binding site by sequence conservation
Features and annotations#
Feature map of a synthetic operon
Visualization of a custom plasmid
Visualization of a region in proximity to a feature
Domains of bacterial sigma factors
Dendrogram of a substitution matrix
Biotite color schemes for protein sequences
Statistics of local alignments and the E-value
Identification of potential open reading frames