Writing the documentation#

Having a good documentation on a package is arguably as important as the code itself. Hence, Biotite provides in addition to the API reference documented in docstrings, a comprehensive documentation residing in the doc/ directory containing tutorials, examples and more.

Documentation generation#

Biotite uses the widely used Sphinx package for generating its documentation. Therefore, the documentation is based on reStructuredText files. The line length of these *.rst files is also limited to 79 characters where reasonable.

To build the documentation, run from the root directory of the repository:

$ sphinx-build doc build/doc

Documentation structure#

Biotite employs the Divio documentation system. In short, the documentation is splitted into four different parts that addresses different purposes and audiences:

Documentation sections#



Section in Biotite


Learning of basic concepts via simple examples


How-to guides

Step-by-step instructions for specific real-world tasks

Example gallery


Detailed explanation of concepts

Literature citations, contributor guide


Technical description in a consistent format

API reference

When adding new content, please consider which part of the documentation it fits best and adhere to the purpose of that part. You might also consider to split the content into multiple parts (e.g. into an example for the gallery and a tutorial), if you think your content fulfills a mixture of different purposes.


When adding new content for a broad audience, it is appreciated to update the tutorial pages (doc/tutorial/) as well. The tutorial uses jupyter-sphinx to run the code snippets and show the results. This has the advantage that the output of code snippets is not static but dynamically generated based on the current state of the Biotite source code.

Make sure to add

.. include:: /tutorial/preamble.rst

at the beginning of the tutorial page.

API reference#

Each Biotite subpackage has a dedicated reference page, describing its classes and functions. The categories and classes/functions that are assigned to it can be set in doc/apidoc.json. Classes/functions that are not assigned to any category are placed in the ‘Miscellaneous’ category or, if no class/function is assigned, in the ‘Content’ category.

Citing articles#

Biotite uses sphinxcontrib-bibtex for creating references in docstrings, examples, etc. The references are stored in doc/references.bib with citation keys in [Author][year] format. References are cited with the :footcite: role and the bibliography is rendered where the .. footbibliography:: directive is placed.

Adding articles to bibliography#

The recommended way to add articles to the bibliography is not to add them directly to references.bib, but to update the Biotite Zotero library. As this step is a bit more involved, you may also ask the Biotite maintainers to add the article for you.

After installation of Zotero and Better BibTeX, import the Biotite library. Then, edit the citation format (Preferences > Better BibTeX):

  • Citation keys > Citation key formula:

    auth.capitalize + year
  • Export > Fields > Fields to omit from export:

    file, langid, abstract, urldate, copyright, keywords, annotation
  • Export > Export unicode as plain text latex commands: uncheck

To update references.bib, export the library as Better BibTeX.

Setting NCBI API key#

The example gallery as well as the tutorial use biotite.database.entrez to fetch sequence data. Hence, these scripts may raise a RequestError due to a hight number of requests to the NCBI Entrez database. This can be fixed by exporting the NCBI_API_KEY environment variable, containing an NCBI API key.