.. DO NOT EDIT. .. THIS FILE WAS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY SPHINX-GALLERY. .. TO MAKE CHANGES, EDIT THE SOURCE PYTHON FILE: .. "examples/gallery/sequence/homology/bionigma_alignment.py" .. LINE NUMBERS ARE GIVEN BELOW. .. only:: html .. note:: :class: sphx-glr-download-link-note :ref:`Go to the end ` to download the full example code. .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-example-title .. _sphx_glr_examples_gallery_sequence_homology_bionigma_alignment.py: Customized visualization of a multiple sequence alignment ========================================================= This example shows an alignment visualization used by the serious game *Bionigma* :footcite:`Hess2014`. This visualization distinguishes amino acids by color and shape. .. footbibliography:: .. GENERATED FROM PYTHON SOURCE LINES 11-342 .. image-sg:: /examples/gallery/sequence/homology/images/sphx_glr_bionigma_alignment_001.png :alt: Comparison of cyclotide sequences :srcset: /examples/gallery/sequence/homology/images/sphx_glr_bionigma_alignment_001.png :class: sphx-glr-single-img .. code-block:: Python # Code source: Patrick Kunzmann # License: BSD 3 clause import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from matplotlib.patches import Rectangle from matplotlib.transforms import Bbox import biotite.database.entrez as entrez import biotite.sequence as seq import biotite.sequence.align as align import biotite.sequence.graphics as graphics import biotite.sequence.io.fasta as fasta # The polygon coordinates for the different shapes _hexagon_coord = np.array( [ (0.500, 0.000), (0.937, 0.250), (0.937, 0.750), (0.500, 1.000), (0.063, 0.750), (0.063, 0.250), ] ) _spiked_coord = np.array( [ (0.000, 0.000), (0.500, 0.150), (1.000, 0.000), (0.850, 0.500), (1.000, 1.000), (0.500, 0.850), (0.000, 1.000), (0.150, 0.500), ] ) _spiked_coord = np.array( [ (0.000, 0.000), (0.500, 0.150), (1.000, 0.000), (0.850, 0.500), (1.000, 1.000), (0.500, 0.850), (0.000, 1.000), (0.150, 0.500), ] ) _cross_coord = np.array( [ (0.220, 0.000), (0.780, 0.000), (0.780, 0.220), (1.000, 0.220), (1.000, 0.780), (0.780, 0.780), (0.780, 1.000), (0.220, 1.000), (0.220, 0.780), (0.000, 0.780), (0.000, 0.220), (0.220, 0.220), ] ) _star_coord = np.array( [ (0.500, 0.000), (0.648, 0.150), (0.852, 0.150), (0.852, 0.352), (1.000, 0.500), (0.852, 0.648), (0.852, 0.852), (0.648, 0.852), (0.500, 1.000), (0.352, 0.852), (0.148, 0.852), (0.148, 0.648), (0.000, 0.500), (0.148, 0.352), (0.148, 0.148), (0.352, 0.148), ] ) _hourglass_coord = np.array( [ (0.000, 0.000), (1.000, 0.000), (1.000, 0.220), (0.740, 0.420), (0.740, 0.580), (1.000, 0.780), (1.000, 1.000), (0.000, 1.000), (0.000, 0.780), (0.260, 0.580), (0.260, 0.420), (0.000, 0.220), ] ) # The shape color for each symbols _colors = { "A": "#1e67b6", "C": "#00a391", "D": "#ea42fc", "E": "#109c4b", "F": "#fed700", "G": "#8d4712", "H": "#ff8e00", "I": "#d82626", "K": "#109c4b", "L": "#d82626", "M": "#d82626", "N": "#ea42fc", "P": "#ffa9e3", "Q": "#109c4b", "R": "#109c4b", "S": "#1e67b6", "T": "#1e67b6", "V": "#d82626", "W": "#fed700", "Y": "#fed700", } class ShapePlotter(graphics.SymbolPlotter): """ A symbol plotter that depicts each symbol by color and shape. """ def __init__(self, axes, font_size=None, font_param=None): super().__init__(axes) # The symbol to shape mapping self._draw_funcs = { "A": ShapePlotter._draw_circle, "T": ShapePlotter._draw_circle, "S": ShapePlotter._draw_circle, "N": ShapePlotter._draw_circle, "D": ShapePlotter._draw_rectangle, "E": ShapePlotter._draw_rectangle, "Q": ShapePlotter._draw_rectangle, "K": ShapePlotter._draw_rectangle, "R": ShapePlotter._draw_rectangle, "I": ShapePlotter._draw_hexagon, "L": ShapePlotter._draw_hexagon, "V": ShapePlotter._draw_hexagon, "M": ShapePlotter._draw_hexagon, "F": ShapePlotter._draw_spiked, "W": ShapePlotter._draw_spiked, "Y": ShapePlotter._draw_spiked, "H": ShapePlotter._draw_spiked, "G": ShapePlotter._draw_cross, "P": ShapePlotter._draw_star, "C": ShapePlotter._draw_hourglass, } self._font_size = font_size self._font_param = font_param if font_param is not None else {} def plot_symbol(self, bbox, alignment, column_i, seq_i): trace = alignment.trace if trace[column_i, seq_i] != -1: symbol = alignment.sequences[seq_i][trace[column_i, seq_i]] else: symbol = "" color = self._get_color(alignment, column_i, seq_i) draw_func = self._draw_funcs.get(symbol) # 'draw_func' is None for gaps if draw_func is not None: # Shrink Bbox slightly to get a small margin between shapes f = 0.04 shape_bbox = Bbox( ( (bbox.x0 + f * bbox.width, bbox.y0 + f * bbox.height), (bbox.x1 - f * bbox.width, bbox.y1 - f * bbox.height), ), ) draw_func(self, shape_bbox, color) text = self.axes.text( bbox.x0 + bbox.width / 2, bbox.y0 + bbox.height / 2, symbol, color="black", ha="center", va="center", size=self._font_size, **self._font_param, ) text.set_clip_on(True) def _get_color(self, alignment, column_i, seq_i): index = alignment.trace[column_i, seq_i] if index == -1: # Gaps are white return (1, 1, 1) code = alignment.sequences[seq_i].code[index] return _colors[seq.ProteinSequence.alphabet.decode(code)] def _draw_circle(self, bbox, color): from matplotlib.patches import Circle circle = Circle( (bbox.x0 + bbox.width / 2, bbox.y0 + bbox.height / 2), bbox.width / 2, facecolor=color, edgecolor="None", fill=True, ) self.axes.add_patch(circle) def _draw_rectangle(self, bbox, color): rectangle = Rectangle( bbox.p0, bbox.width, bbox.height, facecolor=color, edgecolor="None" ) self.axes.add_patch(rectangle) def _draw_hexagon(self, bbox, color): self._draw_polygon(bbox, color, _hexagon_coord) def _draw_spiked(self, bbox, color): self._draw_polygon(bbox, color, _spiked_coord) def _draw_cross(self, bbox, color): self._draw_polygon(bbox, color, _cross_coord) def _draw_star(self, bbox, color): self._draw_polygon(bbox, color, _star_coord) def _draw_hourglass(self, bbox, color): self._draw_polygon(bbox, color, _hourglass_coord) def _draw_polygon(self, bbox, color, coord): from matplotlib.patches import Polygon # Transfom unit coordinates to fit Bbox coord = coord.copy() coord *= bbox.width coord += bbox.p0 polygon = Polygon(coord, facecolor=color, edgecolor="None") self.axes.add_patch(polygon) def plot_alignment_shapes( axes, alignment, symbols_per_line=30, show_numbers=False, number_size=None, number_functions=None, labels=None, label_size=None, show_line_position=False, spacing=1, symbol_size=None, symbol_param=None, ): """ A thin wrapper around the 'ShapePlotter' and 'plot_alignment()' function. """ symbol_plotter = ShapePlotter(axes, font_size=symbol_size, font_param=symbol_param) graphics.plot_alignment( axes=axes, alignment=alignment, symbol_plotter=symbol_plotter, symbols_per_line=symbols_per_line, show_numbers=show_numbers, number_size=number_size, number_functions=number_functions, labels=labels, label_size=label_size, show_line_position=show_line_position, spacing=spacing, ) twin = axes.get_shared_x_axes().get_siblings(axes)[0] for ax in (axes, twin): ax.set_yticklabels(ax.get_yticklabels(), fontdict={"color": "white"}) axes.get_figure().patch.set_facecolor("#181818") # Using cyclotide sequences as example query = entrez.SimpleQuery("Cyclotide") & entrez.SimpleQuery( "cter" ) & entrez.SimpleQuery("srcdb_swiss-prot", field="Properties") ^ entrez.SimpleQuery( "Precursor" ) uids = entrez.search(query, "protein") fasta_file = fasta.FastaFile.read( entrez.fetch_single_file(uids, None, "protein", "fasta") ) sequence_dict = fasta.get_sequences(fasta_file) # Currently there seems to b a bug in the NCBI search, # so that 'Precursor' results are still included # Solve this by filtering the sequence length sequence_dict = {header: seq for header, seq in sequence_dict.items() if len(seq) < 100} headers = list(sequence_dict.keys()) sequences = list(sequence_dict.values()) labels = [header[-1] for header in headers] # Perform a multiple sequence alignment matrix = align.SubstitutionMatrix.std_protein_matrix() alignment, order, _, _ = align.align_multiple(sequences, matrix) # Order alignment according to guide tree alignment = alignment[:, order.tolist()] labels = [labels[i] for i in order] # Visualize the alignment using the new alignment plotter fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8.0, 4.0)) ax = fig.add_subplot(111) plot_alignment_shapes( ax, alignment, labels=labels, symbols_per_line=len(alignment), symbol_size=8 ) # The aspect ratio of the shapes should be preserved: # Squares should look like squares, circles should look like circles ax.set_aspect("equal") ax.set_ylabel("Type", color="white") ax.set_title("Comparison of cyclotide sequences", color="white") fig.tight_layout() plt.show() .. _sphx_glr_download_examples_gallery_sequence_homology_bionigma_alignment.py: .. only:: html .. container:: sphx-glr-footer sphx-glr-footer-example .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-jupyter :download:`Download Jupyter notebook: bionigma_alignment.ipynb ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-python :download:`Download Python source code: bionigma_alignment.py ` .. container:: sphx-glr-download sphx-glr-download-zip :download:`Download zipped: bionigma_alignment.zip ` .. only:: html .. rst-class:: sphx-glr-signature `Gallery generated by Sphinx-Gallery `_